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Delivery times can vary depending on your location and the availability of the materials. Once the order is placed, our representative will contact and provide an estimated delivery time during the confirmation call.
Delivery charges are calculated based on various factors such as the distance of the delivery location, the weight and dimensions of the materials, and any additional services requested (e.g., special handling or loading/unloading).
Once the order is placed, our representative will provide you with the delivery charges during the confirmation call.
In the rare event that you may receive damaged materials or product, first, you want to immediately take detailed notes and snap photos of both the compromised packaging and the broken products; this may help to determine whether the package was improperly packed by the seller, or improperly handled and damaged in transit.
Connect with our team immediately for assistance. We will arrange to replace the damaged items at no additional cost to you.
Yes, you can cancel your order before it is confirmed. Please contact our customer support as soon as possible to initiate the cancellation.
Unfortunately, returns are not applicable for orders placed on Buildingsteps. We encourage you to carefully consider your purchase before placing an order. All sales are final, and the Company does not offer any money-back guarantees. You recognize and agree that you shall not be entitled to a refund for any purchase under any circumstances.
Email: Info@buildingsteps.com
Mobile: 9606910703
Address: Raja Sabha #35 3rd floor Off Lavelle Road, Kasturba Cross Road
Need Help? Call us at: +91 8217869982